
Narrogin is a hidden gem for wildflower enthusiasts, offering a spectacular display of nature's vibrant colours when the time is right. There are over 240 wildflower species around Foxes Lair, Highbury & Yillimining Rock. Our wildflowers vary in flowering time and location. Some only occur in a single spot! Most of our Walking Trail Brochures provide insights into the types of flowers you might encounter on various trails. For a more in-depth exploration, you can download the comprehensive "Flowers of Foxes Lair" booklet, categorised by colour or species. A hardcopy is constantly available at the Visitor Centre. Additionally, foxeslair.org offers detailed information on where to find specific wildflowers. The aim of this page is to help visitors to find and photograph (NOT pick) the most accessable and attractive orchids in this district.

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Exciting news!

The Narrogin Regional Herbarium, housed within the newly refurbished Railway Station at the Narrogin & Dryandra Visitors Centre, is now open to the public. This botanical treasure trove, including a dedicated section highlighting Foxes Lair's native wildflowers in full bloom from August to October, promises a fascinating and educational experience. The display changes with the seasons, providing a dynamic showcase of the region's botanical diversity. For those eager to delve deeper, the entire Herbarium Collection is accessible upon request, ensuring everyone can explore and learn from this remarkable resource. Come and immerse yourself in the beauty of Narrogin's wildflowers!