
Take advantage of some of the darkest skies in the world to view the majesty of our southern hemisphere stars. From the Southern Hemisphere you can see the Southern Cross, the Magellanic Clouds and the beautiful Aboriginal constellation of the “Emu in the Sky”. On a moonless night, the stunning Milky Way Galaxy stretches across the night sky in all its glory. It feels like you could almost touch it! It’s something that everyone on Earth should experience more often. 

Where to Stargaze?

Narrogin Observing Site - NARROGIN GOLF CLUB

The Narrogin Golf Club is only 6 kms from town and the Golf Club has kindly allowed visitors to set up in its car park area.

No camping is allowed, but it’s so conveniently close to town and in a dark area that makes it easy to use as an observing site. The parking area is bituminised and is wide open to see the whole sky. Setting up here for a night is comfortable and quiet as it’s off the main road. You might see a friendly kangaroo at the Club!

Facilities: Public facilities are not open for the general public to use at night. However, it’s very close to overnight accommodation in town.

Mobile coverage (Telstra): Good.

Sky Quality Meter Reading: 21.79 magnitude per arcsecond2 recorded at 11:50pm on 9th October 2020. What is a Sky Quality Meter Reading?

Narrogin Observing Site - Thomas Hogg Oval

If you feel like staying closer to town, Thomas Hogg Oval, is a great alternative for some stargazing. It’s on the edge of town and, although not as dark as the Narrogin Golf Club, it’s a great place for some casual stargazing.

Sky Quality Meter Reading: 21.44 magnitude per arcsecond2 recorded at 11:13pm on 9th October 2020. 

Narrogin Astrophotography Hot Spot

 Yilliminning Rock

Yilliminning Rock is 19 kms east of Narrogin. It’s peaceful and a great spot to watch out for local lizards and, in a good wildflower season, orchids abound!

The George Brockway Tree stands tall and proud at Yilliminning Rock. It’s an incredible Salmon Gum named after George Brockway, one of WA’s foremost forest conservationists in the 1930’s and 1940’s.

If you get the angle right, the tree makes a unique subject for an image at night showing the dazzling stars through the high canopy. From Yilliminning Rock there are sweeping views all around.

Facilities: Picnic facilities and BBQ’s. It’s also conveniently close to overnight accommodation in town.

Mobile coverage (Telstra): Good.

Sky Quality Meter Reading: 21.88 magnitude per arcsecond2 recorded at 10.21pm on 9th October 2020. 

Contine Hill

Here is a great lookout and picnic area. Watch the sunset before setting up your camera for some astrophotography. The main lookout faces to the west and south west and makes an ideal location to image the setting Milky Way in September/October time. The lookout is only 20km west of the town of Narrogin and the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions have created great facilities for visitors to enjoy.

Facilities: Picnic facilities, toilets and BBQ’s.

Mobile coverage (Telstra): Unsure.

Sky Quality Meter Reading: No reading has been made at this location yet.


  Did you know Narrogin is a part of a 5 Days Astrophotographers' Paradise Road Trip? For more information and itinerary visit Australia's Golden Outback5 DaysAstrophotographers Paradise Trip Map

What’s Up in the Night Sky?

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