
Dive into a world where history meets artistry at the Heritage Railway Station Residency. This unique program invites artists to immerse themselves in the timeless ambiance of our iconic station, drawing inspiration from its storied past and architectural grandeur. Residents will experience a confluence of past and present, allowing them to create art that transcends time. Amidst the echoes of bygone eras, create, connect, and showcase your masterpieces, celebrating the enduring spirit of the railway's legacy. Join us, and let the tracks guide your artistic journey. Click here for further details about the programme and more photos. 

​We welcome writers, visual artists and performing artists. If you would like to be a part of the AiR program, download the application form and send to our AiR coordinator, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Artist of the month

003 Linda MacAulay Ad