Noongar Dreaming Sites

The Noongar Dreaming Path is located in Gnarojin Park and was designed by Aboriginal artist Jerry Morrison, with a team of local Noongar artists and Elders. They gathered up lost fragments of the Noongar culture and represented the stories in a number of sites along the Narrogin Brook. The following sites revive the knowledge of traditional culture of the local Noongar people.

  1. Marramucking Well (Noongar Marramucking)
  2. Men and women meet while walking (Koornaming koorliny)
  3. Men’s corroboree magic ground (Noongar midar bulya boojoor)
  4. Women’s magic ground (Yorka midar bulyar boojoor)
  5. Rainbow running water pools (Walken kebjtj manang)
  6. Campfire grounds (Kallep boodjera)
  7. Totems mixing together (Couburne wirdanging)
  8. Ochre in uneven ground (Mardaa boodjera dardong)

Five interpretive panels have been installed, as shown on the map below – these address important elements of the Noongar connection to this part of the Brook.

 Noongar Dreaming Sites and Panels